I feel like we've been packing for a month now, but we have hardly anything to show for it. This is our last weekend in the apartment, so we have to get going on getting stuff in boxes. It will all get done, but until then, our place looks like a bomb of boxes went off in every room. But... this time next week, we'll be in our new home! This is such a huge thing... and we are SO looking forward to it!
In mommy news, Campbell is getting back to sleeping well at night! She's still waking up somewhere in the neighborhood of 1-2 am to eat (yes, I know that we should be phasing out the nighttime feedings), but then sleeping solidly until about 7 or 8 in the morning. Ahhhh... I'm loving the increase in consecutive hours of sleep!
And speaking of Campbell... today's blog is brought to you by the little lovebug herself...
But... but... won't you miss the city?