1. Oxiclean

2. L'oreal Double Extend Beauty Tubes Mascara

Before getting pregnant, I never had a problem with make-up smearing, flaking, or rubbing off. As soon as Campbell was born, horomones went bonkers and I was having make-up meltdown, regardless of the weather. The final straw was when I was looking like a raccoon in the middle of the day, even though I was wearing "smudge proof, waterproof" mascara (a VERY expensive brand). My sis, Celia, suggested going with a tubing mascara. Basically, the mascara creates a "tube" around your lashes which will only come off with a combo of warm water and pressure as you gently pull on your lashes. I tried some expensive brands, and they were great, but at $30 a tube they weren't very realistic for every day use. Enter stage left, L'oreal Double Extend Beauty Tubes. This stuff is amazing... even better than the expensive designer brands! My lashes are thicker and longer because of this mascara.... and it's only $8.99 at most big box stores (plus, there is almost always a $1-$2 off coupon in the newspaper!). No more raccoon eyes for me! I've even worn this at the pool (inadvertently), and it DOES NOT flake or run. You seriously have to use warm water and pressure to get this off! I highly recommend you go out and try it!
3. L'oreal Infalliable Never Fail Eyeliner

4. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
If you've already tried these, you don't need me to explain how magical these are. They are right up there with Oxiclean. They will clean ANYTHING.... I have used them on the walls, the stove, the counters, the floors, Campbell's high chair..... they are awesome. We keep these in the house at all times because they are so essential to keeping things clean in a house with 3 pets and a baby!
5. Venus Spa Breeze 2-in-1 Disposable Razor
Now, I know it's not very green, but I'm a disposable razor girl. With the introduction of the Venus razor by Gillette some 10 years ago (?), I have ONLY used Venus razors. These 2-in-1 disposables by Venus are A-MAZ-ING. I adore that I do not have to lather up to shave my legs! These are such a great time saver, and at $6.99 at big box stores for a pack of 2, they help my legs stay smooth for a month! Plus, keep an eye out in your Sunday paper.... you can usually find a $1 off coupon at least 1x a month!
6. T-Mobile's Samsung Behold

7. Ikea Markor Bookcase
Take a quick look at my living room. Besides the larger baby toys in the far right corner of the picture, do you see random toys scattered about (and, no, I did not go around hiding toys before taking this picture... this is really how my living room looks as soon as Campbell goes down for a nap)?
No? Didn't think so! As any mother knows, every room is full of toys, and if you are like me, the living room is where many of Campbell's toys live (despite the playroom we have upstairs). I was going nuts with the baskets of toys that never seemed to make my living room look remotely close to adult-ish. Thank you IKEA for making the Markor horizontal bookcase!
So there you have it, a few things that make my life easier. I'm sure there is more.... and when I think of them, I'll definitely share them!
Oh, wait... I DO have 1 more thing that makes my life easier....